Atlas of the Ancient World 1.1 To view this in Notepad, select WORD WRAP from the EDIT menu. Windows 95 Installation: ----------------------------- ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD can be run entirely off CD-ROM. However, for performance reasons we strongly recommend installing the program on a hard disk drive. To install the program follow the instructions given below Step 1. Insert the ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD disk into the CD-ROM drive Step 2. To install ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD click Install when the Maris auto-install dialog is displayed. The Maris auto-install dialog is only displayed the first time that you insert ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD in your CD-ROM drive. If you have autorun disabled on your CD-ROM drive, run Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel and follow the instructions there. Step 3. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. If you do not already have QuickTime for Windows v3.0 or later on your hard disk, accept the option to run the QuickTime 3.0 installer Step 4. To start the program click PLAY when the Atlas of the Ancient World autoplay dialog is displayed. If this does not appear, then use the Windows Start menu (programs, Comptons Home Library) or double-click the ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD icon in the Atlas of the Ancient World folder. ---------------------------------------------------- OPENING MULTIPLE WINDOWS ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD lets you open an unlimited number of windows. Each extra window you keep open needs around 1 megabyte of temporary hard disc space. If you run low on temporary disc space, the software will be unable to open new windows correctly. If this happens, please close unused windows and you can continue working normally. ----------------------------------------------------- INTERNET LINK Users who have access to the INTERNET can connect to the Atlas of the Ancient World web site. This site contains selected links to the latest archaeological research from around the World. To access the ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD web site, click INTERNET in the Globe (File) menu in the top icon bar. Your web browser will be started automatically, taking you directly to a web page stored on the CD-ROM. Click Go to go online. IF YOU BROWSER FAILS TO LOAD To configure Atlas of the Ancient World to work with your browser (if browser fails to load) check or modify the settings as follows; Step 1. Double-click the My Computer icon Step 2. On the View menu, click Options, and then click the File Types tab Step 3. To create a new file type, click New Type. To modify the settings for an existing file type, click the type, and then click Edit Step 4. Specify a description for the file type (Internet) and the filename extension associated with this type of file (HTM HTML) Step 5. Click New to define an action for this file type If a file type for HTM already exists, then select it and then click Edit Step 6. Specify the action that you want to define, i.e. "Open" and the command that should run to complete this action, for instance "Program Files\Netscape\Program\netscape.exe". You may find it easier to use Browse to locate your preferred Internet Browser program -------------------------------------------------------- Tech Support e-mail: Phone: 08707416821 (Calls charged at Standard National Rate) Facsimile: 08707416822 (Calls charged at Standard National Rate) Mail: The Learning Company PO Box 121 Crawley RH11 9YP ENGLAND Attn: We regret that we cannot offer game hints and tips, as the service is provided for technical difficulties only. COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK AND OTHER LEGAL NOTICES THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THIS PROGRAM IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW AND INTERNATIONAL TREATIES. UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PROGRAM, OR ANY PORTION OF IT, MAY RESULT IN SEVERE CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES, AND WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER LAW. Maris is a trademark of Maris Multimedia Ltd. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. QuickTime and QuickTime logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. used under licence. All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Copyright under licence to The Learning Company Limited by way of licence from Maris Multimedia and its licensors (c) 1994-1999. All rights reserved.